Lounging around in the sunshine.

J L Laurain was born in Montreuil sur Bois in March 1943 on Friday the 13th.  Without a doubt, in order to avert this bad omen and confirm his quetionnable vocation, he immediately repainted the family's black cat green.  His action meant that his talent was noticed and it was suggested that he should have a dispensation to enter <The school of Bozarts>.  This family chose however, the local kindergarten where it would  be easier to respect his creative freedom and be closer to home.  Unfortuntaely, we have no trace of his early sketches and doodles from this period of his life.  The artists says he must have destroyed them in 1974 when he left Paris following an unfortunate love affair with the the Venus of Milo.

From then on, his constant movements make the task of the biographer difficult.  We can see some of his works appearing in various places:  in Paris for Trends in Modern Art and in the Room for Expression of Young Painters in 1981, at Annecy and Chambéry in  1983, at the Biennale Interational in Quebec in 1988, in Germany in 1992 and 1998.  However, there is every indication that he lived from then on in the Basses- Alps where he continued his artistic activities in sculpture, continuing notably in the area of postal art and unscrupulously putting in ciruclation his <brais-faux> stamps.

In effect during the last few years, his works have been brought to our attention again in various places in this region:  at the Meeting of Sculptured Arts  in Château-Arnoux (where he even won the Grand Prix in 1991) and more recently in Digne-les-Bains, Manosque, Forcalquier...
The research continues.

E Lifaure
Art Historian

The Workshop

For a longtime, I have painted in the corner of a bedroom, I have slept in the corner of the workshop and, the two became one.

Now that I am fully devoted to painting in a calm peaceful place, admittedly not too big but where I feel at ease, sometimes far removed from the idea that one generally has of the <artist's workshop>.  A vast place full of light with glass walls, so fortunately converted into lofts by the middle class city dwellers, the lively artist having invested in one to persue his shameful activities, one of those industrial wastelands which make the suburbs so charming: or again (we are not in the markets of Lubéron which are forever being sypathetically improved by the magic of estate agencies) an ancient barn tastefully developed in a renovated farmhouse on the south coast.
More modestly, my workshop is a room in which can be found a table, an easel and all the necessary tools for the art of painting.

In the middle of all that, the canvasses hung or more or less arranged against the walls.  Not forgetting a few chairs for my cats.

Jean-Louis LAURAIN has participated in numerous exhibitions, including:

Salons, expositions de groupe :

Tendances de l'Art Contemporain - PARIS 1981 Salon Jeune Peinture/Jeune Expression - PARIS 1981 Galerie Bagnoréa - ANNECY 1986 Salon des Arts - VOLONNE 1986 (1er prix de peinture) Biennale Internationale - QUEBEC (Canada) 1988 (mention) Rencontre d'Arts Plastiques-CHATEAU-ARNOUX-1990-91(Grand Prix)-92-94-2000 Biennale d'Arts Graphiques - Musée de St MAUR 1994 Saint Exupery-Art Postal - Centre Culturel de WANGENBOURG-ENGENTHAL 1996 L'objet postal - Assoc. Ductus et Scripsit - PARIS 1996 Ecriture (art postal) - Hôtel Dassault à PARIS 1998 Le Temps des Cerises - exposition-installation - Hôpital de DIGNE LES BAINS 1999 1/2000 - Galerie d'art contemporain du collège J.Cartier - CHAUNY 2000 Salon de MANOSQUE 2003 Château d'ORAISON - L'Art de Mai 2005

Participation aux activités et manifestations du Garage Laurent/Atelier d'artistes à FORCALQUIER: Expositions gravure 1994-95, Fêtes du Livre 1995-96, Salon de l'Auto-portrait 1996, Festival d'Art Erotique 1997, Lettre à Elise (Art Postal) 1998, N'ayons pas peur du mot Mort 2001, etc.

Expositions personnelles :

Art-Valeurs-Perspectives - MARSEILLE 1988
Espace ETC... - FORCALQUIER 1988
Les Encadreuses - MANOSQUE 1991-93
BZA - AHAUS (Allemagne) 1992
Mémoire de la Terre - Réserve Géologique - DIGNE 1995
GKN - NECKARWESTHEIM (Allemagne) 1998
IUFM - Site de DIGNE 2000-2002-2003
Appel d'art, dans le cadre de l'Art de Mai - MANOSQUE 2000
Art postal, pour les Nuits de la correspondance - MANOSQUE 2000-02
Le sommeil du juste, installation in situ à la chapelle St Roch - LES MEES 2006
Arte postal- Casa de las Conchas, SALAMANQUE (Espagne) - 2ème Festival international de
Castille et Léon 2006
Vous oublierez, moi aussi d'ailleurs - installation in-situ à la chapelle St Roch - LES MEES 2007

Fin de partie, Vanités contemporaines - Médiathéque de Digne 2008

* - Participation à la conception et à la réalisation d'une oeuvre collective dans le cadre du 1% artistique - MONTREUIL/BOIS 1969
* - Décors pour la Compagnie TOUTSAMBA'L (théatre de rue) - CRUIS - Fête de la Musique 1995 et Spectacle EXILOD 1996
* - Affiches pour Mémoire de la Terre 1995 et Les Oralies de Haute-Provence 1995
* - L'Insurgé 1851, mur peint pour la ville de FORCALQUIER 2001
* - Oeuvres dans les collections du MUSEE DE LA POSTE - PARIS

* - Participation à "Chahut", festival de théatre, aux Mées -2006-2007